{FTI}Articles and News
News Releases
ACTE Guidance/Career Development Division
National ACTE Conference Highlights - Charlotte, NC
Time to shift our focus from “No Child Left Behind” to “Every Child Self-Sufficient”
Magazine and news articles featuring input from Dr. Rebecca Dedmond
Institute for Educational Leadership and HeiTech Services, Inc.:
Comprehensive Career Planning and Its Role in the Competitive Global Economy
ACTE’s Techniques magazine: Making a Meaningful Connection--Freshman Transition and Service Living
Long-range Planning Motivates Students & Personalizes Instruction
Launching Students Into Their Decade of Transition
NASSP’s Principal Leadership Magazine: A Personalized Plan for Life
USA Today:
Encourage Students to Form Life Plans
The Washington Post:
District High Schools Greet 1,200 Fresh Faces
Northeast Regional Resource Center:
Transitions - A Sampler of Programs, Practices, Papers, and Other Resources
Helena Independent Record: Workshops Aim to Help Boulder Students Focus on Future
Children's Champions
The Greentree Gazette: Time to shift ‘No Child Left Behind’ to ‘Every Child Self-Sufficient’
Live Oak Soars with Vision for Freshman
Why Kids Skip School and What You Can Do About It
Dr. Dedmond welcomes your interest in The Freshman Transition Initiative and is available for interviews. Please direct all interview requests to
Speak with Dr. Dedmond about:
- Why a 10-year plan, not a four-or-five-year plan, is needed to prepare entering high school freshmen for economic self-sufficiency
- How schools can implement a Freshman Transition course that culminates with students developing 10-year career and life plans
- How the Course Standards for Freshman Transition Classes provide a framework for a rigorous course that motivates students to see the impact their education has on their future life satisfaction
- Where schools are effectively using curriculum that meet the Course Standards for Freshman Transition Classes